How to Sleep Well While Traveling

How to Sleep Well While TravelingAdults require about seven to eight hours of sleep each night to function at their optimal level. When you’re traveling, it can be difficult to meet this requirement. Just being away from your own bed and familiar surroundings can make it hard to sleep. And if you are crossing time zones, the disruption to your body clock can leave you with symptoms of jet lag, which occurs when you have trouble adjusting to a new schedule and a change in daylight hours. Sleep aid tips can help you get the rest you need for travel health and enjoyment.

Get a Comfortable Sleep Mask

The first rule of thumb with good sleep hygiene is to minimize as much light as possible (both artificial and natural). Your body recognizes darkness as a cue to create melatonin which causes sleepiness. You’ll have no control over your surroundings, so learning to sleep with a mask is a great way to trick your eyes (and brain) into sleep mode.

Block Out Noise

Try noise-canceling headphones and listen to music if you're trying to sleep, or go without the music if the plane is loud.

Eat When You're Hungry

Hunger can be a stimulant,You don't want to eat a large meal that will make you uncomfortable, and at the same time you don't want to try to go to bed hungry.Though the experts recommend synching your sleeping schedule to your destination, they say you shouldn't worry about making your meal times match. Stick with small meals and eat when you're hungry. It's too complicated to schedule your meals.

Timing is Everything

Depending on how far you’re traveling, it might be tempting to go to sleep when you finally check into your hotel at 6am. This will have your entire sleep schedule off whack. Do your best to stick with a normal sleep routine, even if it means forcing yourself to stay awake for a few hours. If you’re not a very heavy sleeper, a 20-minute power nap can give you enough energy to power through until a reasonable hour.

Prioritize Comfort on Red-eye Flights

From a high quality neck pillow to a seat cushion and wearing fuzzy socks, it’s necessary to try your best to sleep on red eyes. Avoid caffeine and over-hydrating, and perhaps take a sleep aid if sleeping on planes is a challenge for you. The ultimate goal is to arrive somewhat rested in the morning, and sometimes that will require the occasional over the counter aid.

Establish a Sleep Routine

Your body is quick to pick up on routines, so establish good ones for both evening and morning. This can include a few minutes of “legs up the wall” yogic stretching at night or enjoying warm lemon water in the mornings. Select routines you can do anywhere, and you can help encourage your body to sleep and wake no matter where your travels take you.

So just try to follow these simple tips and hope you'll have a great sleep while traveling.If you do have anything else to add then please comment.

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