10 Vegan Diets For Good Digestive Health

10 Vegan Diets For Good Digestive HealthWhat is a Vegan? Vegans are vegetarians who doesn’t consume animal products and their by products like eggs, honey, silk, wool, soaps and cosmetics derived from animal products. However, their diet must contain the five groups of foods, that includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals and water to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

Proteins are needed for body building and in repair of worn out tissues. Such as lentils, chickpeas, soy milk, peanut butter, almonds, spinach, whole wheat bread and beans. Minerals and Vitamins regulate chemical reactions taking place in the body. Includes leafy green vegetables, Spinach, turnip greens and romaine lettuce. Carbohydrates are the biggest source of energy needed by the body and sources include; Legumes, whole grains, whole wheat bread and brown rice. Fats help the body to synthesize fat-soluble vitamins and within the list of healthy fats include nuts, olives and avocados. Finally, water is really important in promoting digestion, excretion and in the transport of important nutrients within the body.

Just because of the special health needs of vegans, their meals should consist of variety of foods which are easily broken down and digested after consumption. The below mentined 10 foods have high nutritive value and promotes digestion hence are suitable for vegans.

  1. Avocadoes provides an important source of fats for the Vegan diets. Avocadoes are free from cholesterol and low in saturated fats. Avocadoes are also rich in fiber, vitamin B, K and E. They improve the absorption of carotenoids in other vegetables and also lower the levels of blood cholesterol.
  2. Almonds are a rich magnesium, iron, vitamin E, calcium, riboflavin and fiber. It maintains the levels of cholesterol in the body.
  3. Broccoli is a rich source of fiber, potassium, calcium, Vitamin C and beta-carotene. It's  daily intake boosts the immune system of the body.
  4. Blue berries provide a rich source of fiber. It also facilitate the breakdown of fats and lipids.
  5. Wheat bread is a rich source of fatty acids and essential fatty alcohols. It also have high fiber content, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, thiamin, zinc and folic acid.
  6. Oat meal is a major source of carbohydrates, protein and soluble fiber content that stabilize digestion and the blood glucose levels.
  7. Plenty of dark-Leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage contains vitamins important in boosting immunity. It also promote iron absorption by the body.
  8. Apple fruit gives a rich source of antioxidants.They also reduces bad levels of cholesterols and has been found to extend lifespan.
  9. Sweet potatoes gives a rich source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B and beta carotene. It also contain Vitamin C which helps in absorption of iron.
  10. Lentils give a rich source of proteins required by the body in repair of worn out tissues.

Vegans have poor absorption of animal protein and consumption might lead to complication such as constipation among other worse conditions.So are you a vegan?Do let us know about diets to stay healthy through your comments.
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  1. Great explanation. The top 10 foods aren't specific to vegans. They are a firm staple of the entire fitness industry.

  2. i wonder, since vegans do not consume animal food, how do they prevent vitamin b12 deficiency? i'm not a vegetarian and i'm suffering from megaloblastic anemia from B12 deficiency already.

  3. Having a good digestive cycle can really be good for your system. This diet can really help in speeding up your metabolism.

  4. I'm not sure if I can ever survive being a vegan because meat is something that I can never give up. I can give up rice but never meat, lol. These are very interesting facts. I didn't know they were prone to constipation.

  5. I've never tried soy milk. I hate regular milk so much that I"m scared to try it, silly, I know.

  6. Avocado is in season and I practically eat avocado everyday these days. I enjoy eating it and I am glad to read that it has a lot of health benefits.

  7. Nice list...I love these items and have them regularly! Healthy and Tasty both.

  8. I love, love, love all your 10 suggested vegan food! I enjoy eating veggies and fruits because of their various textures and flavours :)

  9. I have tried being vegan once but sad to say, I failed. lol Not really that it's hard it's just that meat are tempting. BUt I consume veges a lot and fruits if I may add!

  10. I tried doing vegan-diet, the constant conscious-ness to select my daily food and having to reject what my mum cook for dinner made it hard for me to continue.

  11. Great meal to have vegan-diet.. It's healthy... Great 10 suggestions, more options to eat

  12. Ooooh! All my favourite foods! I think it's difficult for me to go vegan though because I'd be missing a lot of flavour. And in Sweden where they have milk and cheese most of the time, it's difficult to sustain a vegan diet.

  13. Thanks for sharing the food list, I am going to start eat clean because I need to be physically ready for my upcoming marathon.
