5 Things A Girl Expects from Her Man

5 Things A Girl Expects from Her ManEach woman has her own completely legitimate set of criteria - can't have back hair, must have health insurance, should have twins running in his family, loves to rollerskate, is George-Clooney charming, prefers wine to beer and so on. But there are certain conditions beyond honesty, respect and good communication (the trifecta of any relationship foundation) that every woman, no matter what your taste in men, deserves to have in her life's co-pilot. Here's a checklist for what you should demand from your man.

Quality Time

Quality Time, is the first and the most important thing, every girl expects from her man. It’s not that girls want their man by their side 24/7, but the time they spend together must be only their. Most of the times, men are busy in their lives and when they meet, they are physically there, but their mind is occupied by something else. So when you are with your girl, make sure you are just with her and nothing else occupying your mind.

When, in your busy schedule, you drop a message or give a call just to say Hi or I love you, it gives her the feeling that she is always on your mind. The few seconds, you spare for your girl is enough to make your love life the best. Every girl feels special, when her man spares a little time from the busy schedule, just for her. If you can spare more than that small little time, then....

So, while you read the rest of the 9 expectations, why don’t you drop a message or call her!!


Care has no definition as such, Care can be felt not described. Care comes from within, and everyone loves being cared. Girls are emotional and they do care about everything and anything, when it comes to the Man in her life. She expects the same from her man, show and express the care you do. Let her see your caring nature for her.

Express Love

Girls love saying and hearing those 3 beautiful words, “I LOVE YOU”. Girls are quite expressive when it comes to speaking your heart, and men lack. Have some guts, write a message, card or just open your mouth, say whatever comes in your heart. Tell her what you feel, tell her how much you love. There can be nothing better than expressing your love in your own language. Do not forget, how much special you feel, when she tells you how much she loves you in her own words, that comes directly from her heart.

Stand for Her

Every girl feels protected and safe, when she is with her man. Whenever, she needs you, take a stand for her. Be the real man of her love story. Girls love whenever, she feels emotionally trapped or is in some sought of trouble and her man comes to take a stand for her. Speak up for her, when the time says.

Great Sex

There is no excuse for a man not deliver in the bedroom... if he wants to. After all, there are plenty of tutorials in the form of porn, magazine how tos or girlfriends willing to be tour guides to help them get it right. Living a sexually unsatisfied life isn't living at all. If a man isn't willing to put forth the effort to learn what it takes to turn you on, it is time to turn him off.

We hope, if you keep in mind, all these 5 things, which every girl expects from her man. You can make your Love Live the picture perfect Love Life. We are sure, girls out there would want to know 5 things, which every man expects from her girl. Stay connected and we will be back with the answer.

Hope you enjoyed reading and knowing 5 things every girl expects from her man. Please, feel free to comment back, if we missed out anything!
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